So, you’ve finally decided to sign yourself (or your child) up for music lessons! Hooray! Good for you! Are you (or they) starting to get nervous about that first music lesson? That’s understandable, but there’s really nothing to be nervous about. The first lesson can – and should – be exciting and fun!
Not completely convinced? That’s okay. We’ve got a list of a few things you can expect from a music lesson to help put your mind to ease:
A Pleasant Greeting and Introduction
Depending on when and how you signed up for your lessons, you might not have met your teacher yet. On the other hand, your teacher has most likely been through countless “first lessons,” and they probably know just what to do to help you feel more at ease. They’ll start by introducing themselves and try to get to know you a little better.
Specifically, they may ask about your musical tastes and background, and what brought you to their lessons. If you’re not sure what it is you want to learn exactly, that’s okay! Your teacher is in control here, and they know just where to start.
While this part of your first lesson is important, introductions probably won’t take very long. After all, there’s lots of work to be done!
Get to Know Your Instrument
If this happens to not only be your first lesson with this teacher, but also your first lesson with this particular instrument, you can expect your teacher to take some time to explain to you how your instrument works. If you’re learning to play the piano, your teacher may explain how the sound is produced by hammers hitting strings. If your instrument is the violin, or another stringed instrument, they may explain the note names of the strings. If you want to learn a brass or woodwind, they’ll probably show you the proper way to hold your instrument, and perhaps the right way to blow into it. If you’re starting out with the drums, you’ll probably learn the names of the different drums around the drum set, and maybe even hit each to see how they sound.
How to Hold & Play Your Instrument
Once you’ve got a little bit more of a feel for your instrument, it’s time to start learning how to play it! At this point, your teacher will explain the importance of good posture while playing any instrument. They’ll show you how to sit at the piano bench, the proper way to hold a violin bow, the proper finger placement for brass and woodwinds, or the importance of how you hold your drumstick.
It is critical to learn the proper way to approach your instrument from the very first lesson. That way, every time you go to sit down and practice, you’re doing it in the absolute best possible way to reduce physical discomfort and stress, and improve your performance!
Actually Playing Your Instrument
A great teacher will, in fact, have you playing your instrument on the very first lesson. Of course, you shouldn’t expect to play anything too fancy or difficult, but it will be something musical, even if it only uses the three notes you’ll have learned so far. That said, if your goal is to learn how to play music, rest assured that you can and will accomplish this by the end of your first lesson!
Guidance on What to Practice
At the end of your first lesson (and probably every lesson after that), your teacher will explain what you should practice for your next lesson. The best teachers will be clear about what, exactly, they expect from you.
The best thing you can do for your budding musical journey is to follow these instructions. The fact is, the best way to learn any instrument quickly is to practice regularly between your formal lessons. But don’t worry! You won’t be given anything too difficult. You’ll most likely only be asked to practice the lessons you learned on your first day. Later lessons will build on these fundamentals.
Be Proud of Yourself!
When that first lesson finally draws to a close, you should expect to feel proud of yourself! After all, you’ve accomplished something many people talk about, but very few actually do: learn to play music! What’s more, you may have a feeling of excitement for all your future lessons. And why now? Your first lessons is just the opening steps to a long and fulfilling musical journey. You have every reason to feel excited. Enjoy every moment and try to soak up as much as you can!
Looking for Lessons?
Are you hoping to feel the pride and excitement that goes hand in hand with a first music lesson, but you haven’t found the right teacher yet? Give The Music Studio’s professional instructors a chance!
We offer a wide range of lessons for all ages and skill levels! Our children’s classes give kids the chance to develop confidence, commitment and problem-solving skills while experiencing the joy of making music. What’s more, kids get the opportunity to take centre stage and be the star as they share their music with family and friends at The Music Studio’s monthly concerts.
Our adult classes are designed to help you progress at a pace that is comfortable for you. Your teacher at The Music Studio understands that as an adult student, finding time to practice can sometimes be difficult and will adapt your lessons accordingly. Discover your passion for music while you benefit from the mental and emotional well-being promoted through music lessons with in-person, or live and interactive online lessons at The Music Studio.
Check out everything we’ve got to offer, and start your musical journey today!