CALL TODAY: 416.234.9268
SINGING, ACTING & stage movement/dance
Ages: 8-15
Dates: Camp A: July 7-11. Camp B: Aug. 5-8. Camp C: Aug. 11-15.
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Size: Maximum of 8 students
Teacher: Stacie Carmona
Location: The Music Studio
Cost: Camps A & C: $435. Camp B: $350.
No previous musical experience required.
Instruction in singing, acting and stage movement/dance. Students prepare scenes and learn songs from these musicals at the camps: Camp A: Annie & Hairspray. Camp B: Mary Poppins. Camp C: Cats & The Sound of Music. Final day performance. Shows subject to change based on participants.
Instruction in singing, acting, and scene study
Learn how to interpret the dramatic needs of the music
Develop performance skills that will reduce performance anxiety
Sing with confidence, poise, and purpose
Final day performance