9 Tips For Managing Your Kids’ Busy Schedules

May 18, 2022

As a parent, it’s easy to worry – that your kids are getting too much screen time, that they’re falling behind their peers, that they need exciting extracurriculars to help them get into university. So, to fight this, you fill their days with things to do. Activities can improve their lives by helping them become well rounded people. But where does it all become too much? Realistically, that all depends on the child. Some kids want to do it all. Captain of the baseball team, star of the school play, while doing gymnastics and taking photography classes. Other kids, however, might not want to be so busy, and only do so to make their parents happy. Finding the right balance when managing your kids’ busy schedules is key. And we’ve got 9 tips to help you find that balance.

The Art of Prioritizing

Every family has its own demands and priorities. Out of the home childcare is critical for some households. Caring for grandparents for others. Some kids may need additional classes or tutoring.

There are some things that simply cannot be eliminated from your schedule. These are your priorities, and the rest of your schedule should be built around them.

Pick A System & Stick to It

Once you’ve set your priorities, it’s time to start building your schedule. Whether you decide to use a wall calendar, a Google calendar, a dry-erase board, or whatever works best for your family, it’s important to choose a single system, and stick to it. Record all activities, and all their details, in this system so everyone can keep track.

Even a simple system prevents important messages – like Timmy’s basketball practice being moved to a new day or time – from being missed.

Make Sure Everyone Can Access Your System

Just as important as choosing an activity tracking system and sticking to it, is making sure everyone that needs to has access. That means spouses, older kids, grandparents, and even perhaps babysitters. This is simple if you track the family schedule digitally, but it’s important even if you use a wall calendar or dry-erase board. In that case, take a picture of it and send it to whoever needs it.

Help Your Kids Choose

There are countless activities for kids to choose from, but only a limited amount of time in each day. Help them make a list of all the things they’re interested in. Then ask them to choose their two favourites. These should be the activities they are most genuinely excited for. Try to coordinate lessons or activities so they’re spread out during the week and everyone has time to relax.

Consider Each Activity’s Commitment

Of course, not all activities are the same. An art class might only be an hour a week. On the other hand, participating in a sport may mean multiple practices a week and weekly games. What’s more, the price difference between activities like these can be significant.

It’s important to weigh the time, financial, and social commitments to find the right balance for your family as a whole, and each individual child.


Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” One of the easiest ways to help yourself manage your kids’ busy schedules is to prep as much as you can the evening before an activity.

Whether it’s packing a sack lunch, putting sports gear together, or or making sure a musical instrument is in its case and by the door, a little prep goes a long way!

Limit to One Activity Per Day…

This is especially important during the school year. Even if your kids are eager to do more, one activity is usually all a child can handle.

The truth is, even one activity per day may be too much. If your child’s grades, mood, or sleep are disrupted, try forgoing weekday activities for a while.

…And One Sport Per Season

Even for the most athletically included child, playing more than one sport per season puts too much physical and emotional pressure on them.

Of course, this isn’t to say that kids should stick to one sport, only. In fact, it’s great for kids to play different sports as the seasons change until at least high school.

It’s also wise to consider taking at least one season off from sports each year. For example, if your child wants to play baseball in the spring and soccer in the fall, encourage them to try a non-sport activity during the winter.

What for Signs of Overload

There are several signs your kids have taken on too much. Here are a few:

Everybody’s Tired

Are your kids having trouble getting out of bed? Or maybe they’re stuck doing homework late into the evening after their daily activity is over? How are you feeling? If anyone is too stressed or overwhelmed, it may be time to simplify things.

Frequent Aches & Pains

One symptom of an overscheduled and stressed child is frequent headaches or stomach aches. If they happen infrequently, they’re likely normal and nothing to worry about. However, if its several times a week, it’s time for a change, and perhaps a call with the doctor.

They Say No to Fun

Kids turning down party invitations or hangout time with their friends is a big red flag.


There are just a handful of tips you should consider as you look for ways to best manage your children’s busy schedules. These small and simple adjustments can add up to big results for your family.

Are you looking for the right activities to help fill out your child’s schedule? Music lessons may be the answer! The benefits of music are well documented! Start their journey on the right foot with the professional instructors at The Music Studio.